Education Sage

Learning Styles

Methods. Designs. Programs.

Learning Styles and Pathways to Memory

When a student knows the learning styles that work for him/her, it makes the learning of new information easy. The clarity of the information is then put into memory in a way the student truly understands it.

Too often parents, teachers and caregivers try to teach a student to learn in a style that works for them. The style may not work for the student making the memory learning difficult.

People use pathways to memory. Some use whole-to-parts and others use parts-to-whole. For example, when learning about the pieces of a microscope, some people will need to see the whole scope and then learn about the individual parts. Others will need to learn the individual parts and then place them on the microscope.

Embracing and Understanding Your Child's Learning Style

Visual and Visual Spatial Learners

Auditory Learners

Kinesthetic Learners